Student Solution


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M01 Assignment Intro to American Government

M01 Assignment  Intro to American Government

Q What I'd like you to do is think about what principles discussed in these resources YOU think are most important, and why. So for this assignment, which is worth up to 25 points, please choose 3 concepts from the chapter, PowerPoint and/or videos that struck YOU as being of particular importance, and tell me why these 3 are especially important. For each concept, write a paragraph or 2 in which you: 1. Tell me what the concept is (for example The Rule of Law) 2. Tell me where this concept is discussed (i.e. where in Chapter 1, which video, where in the PowerPoint) 2. Explain the concept itself 3. Explain why you find this an especially important part of the U.S. political system

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The three concepts that struck to me as most important in the foundation of American political thought are social contract theory, natural rights and limited government. This is so because today the American political system is based on these three concepts even though they are not followed in complete sense. The crux of the system is definitely based on these concepts.